Christiano Fragoso has been working as a criminal lawyer, with an emphasis in Economic Criminal Law, since 1998. Adjunct Professor of Criminal Law of the Master’s and Ph. D. Programs, and of the Undergraduate Program of the Law School of Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ).
He holds a Ph.D. in Criminal Law from UERJ (2011), and a Master’s Degree in Criminal Sciences from Candido Mendes University (2007). He completed the Graduate Program in European and Economic Criminal Law, at the University of Coimbra/IBCCrim (2004), in Criminal Practice, at Candido Mendes University (2000), as well as the course of Economic Criminal Law at PUC/RJ.
He was a Member of the Council of the OAB/RJ from 2013 to 2015, and Auditor-President of the Superior Court of Equestrian Justice, between 2011 and 2013.
He is the author of four books (“Autoritarismo e Sistema Penal”, “Repressão Penal da Greve”, “Crimes de furto e de roubo” and “Reflexões criminológicas e dogmáticas acerca do crime de desobediência”), and of several legal articles.