Christiano Fragoso, Rodrigo Falk Fragoso
Pod Editores, Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Edition: 1st (2014)
Gathering opinions prepared by the members of the Permanent Commission of Criminal Law of the IAB, the book contains works approved by the IAB Panel and sent to the National Congress, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the legitimate and democratic legal order.
The opinion written by Christiano Fragoso addresses the Constitutional Amendment Bill that is intended to provide the Police Authority and the Prosecution Service with the power to know the financial and tax operations of the people under investigation, since such data would be considered, for investigation purposes, no longer protected under the individual guarantee of confidentiality of financial or banking information.
The opinions issued by Rodrigo Falk Fragoso address the Constitutional Amendment Bill that is intended to create an “Administrative Improbity Court”, under the argument that the acts of corruption are not punished, and also address the Bill that is intended to define new acts of Administrative Improbity, in a clear tendency to make Criminal Law closer to Sanctioning Administrative Law.