Interview with Fernando Fragoso to the program ‘Menorah’ on TV
Interview with Rodrigo Fragoso to Rádio Justiça (STF)
Interview with Rodrigo Fragoso to Rádio Justiça (STF) – June 27, 2014, subject: Anticorruption Act
Interview with Rodrigo Fragoso to Rádio Justiça (STF)
Interview with Rodrigo Fragoso to Rádio Justiça (STF) – February 19, 2014, subject: Anticorruption Act
Interview of Fernando Fragoso to Globo News
Interview of Fernando Fragoso to Globo News, subject: Clean Record Act (Lei da Ficha Limpa)
Fernando Fragoso warns against the increase of prisoners in the prison system
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Fernando Fragoso warns against the increase of prisoners in the prison system.
TV Senado – August 21, 2012
Rodrigo Fragoso at the event “Day After da Repatriação – Aspectos Penais e Tributários”
Rodrigo Fragoso at the event “Day After da Repatriação – Aspectos Penais e Tributários”. Country Club – Rio de Janeiro – March 16, 2017
Rodrigo Falk Fragoso in a speech at Fenaseg
Rodrigo Falk Fragoso in a speech at Fenaseg.
Rio de Janeiro – 2016
Fernando Fragoso in a speech held at the 5th International Conference on Human Rights
Fernando Fragoso in a speech held at the 5th International Conference on Human Rights – Vitória-ES – August 2012
Presentation of Professor Christiano Fragoso on the theme “Autoritarismo e Sistema Penal”
Presentation of Professor Christiano Fragoso on the theme “Autoritarismo e Sistema Penal”. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – October 23, 2012
Professor Rodrigo Falk Fragoso, PUC-RJ, explains how the Operations Car Wash and Mensalão started to interpret, categorize and penalize white-collar crimes
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Professor Rodrigo Falk Fragoso, PUC-RJ, explains how the Operations Car Wash and Mensalão started to interpret, categorize and penalize white-collar crimes