Lei de Segurança Nacional: uma experiência antidemocrática

Heleno Fragoso
Sergio Antonio Fabris Editor, Porto Alegre/RS,
59 pages.
Edited in 1980.

Development of work carried out for the Federal Council of the OAB (the Brazilian Bar Association), and adopted by them as their official statement, at the time the reform of the National Security Law then in force was under discussion. The author examines the doctrine of national security, and also addresses the concepts of political crime and crime of manifestation of thoughts, devising several proposals for legislative reform in multiple criminal and criminal procedure aspects.

Terrorismo e Criminalidade Política

Heleno Fragoso
Forense, Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
136 pages.
1st edition: 1981.

Thesis presented by Heleno Fragoso for a competitive examination for the position of Full Professor of Criminal Law at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ).
This pioneering work addresses the legal and criminological aspects of the complex phenomenon of terrorism, as well as of political criminality, in an incredible timeless work. The book brings a careful conceptualization of terrorism, its historical evolution, and criminology, approaching the relations with the theory of political crime and of the Brazilian and foreign legislation regarding this phenomenon.

Direito Penal e Direitos Humanos

Heleno Fragoso
Forense, Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
204 pages.
1st edition: 1977

Collection of legal works regarding several criminal matters. Here one can find articles on “Aspectos jurídicos da marginalidade social”, “Igualdade e desigualdade na administração da justiça”, “Objeto do crime”, “Apontamentos sobre o conceito de crime no direito soviético”, “Elementos subjetivos do tipo”, “Notas sobre o direito penal anglo-americano”, and “Os direitos do homem e sua tutela jurídica”, among others.

Lições de Direito Penal

Heleno Fragoso
Forense, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, 2003,
585 pages.
1st edition: 1976 (José Bushatsky ed., São Paulo/SP).

A renowned book aimed at Criminal Law teaching, which had been sold out for several years, and now reappears in its 16th edition, fully revised, updated and extended. The book covers, in a synthetic and deep manner, all the subjects relative to the general part of the Criminal Code currently in force.